Trust The Universe
There's an old saying, "If God is for me, who can be against me?" The answer is "No one."When you allow the Universe to help you, then no one and nothing can be against you, including your past. Past programming can be dissolved with the concept that Life is always looking out for your Highest Good. All you have to do is be present for yourself and for Life. If you know you need to change your diet and begin exercising to improve your health, you do it to support yourself and Life. Suppose you're in a demeaning relationship. Instead of trying to fix the relationship, you show yourself that you're worth better treatment by leaving the relationship.
All of the Universe is on your side. You can trust Life to love and support you, but first you have to believe in yourself and in it. Even if uncomfortable and so-called disastrous things have happened to you in the past, God is for you. Tapping into that feeling and affirming it to yourself will give the Power of the Universe a conduit to flow through to help you. As you reclaim yourself and step in the direction of Self-trust, the Infinite rushes in to meet you. Acknowledge this, and your thought power will attract more joy just as your affirming self care actions.
by Linda-Ann Stewart