Fist the idea then the reality..
Every statement is true in one sense, false in another, and meaningless from the standpoint of the Tao. This is a function of one's world-view.
In a molecule of hydrogen, the three tendencies of attraction, repulsion and stabilization are completely eliminated when the molecules are separated by an infinite distance. The Buddha says in respect of the eternal truth about "arising of all", they arise due to the threefold desire consisting of the desire for sensual pleasures the desire for existence and the desire for annihilation. The parallel to this discovery is the attraction, repulsion and stabilization of the molecules as mentioned above. And, this principle applies generally to each and every process in the universe.
The Law of Opposites is related to the Law of Duality and also to the Law of Polarity. It represents the oppositional poles to be found in all planes of manifestation, all levels of becoming. Whatever and wherever we focus our attention, we send energy rays. By focusing our attention on an object with a certain thought or feeling, we impress our thought-feeling force upon the object, thus influencing it. Energy follows mental attention. For instance: attraction-repulsion; cold-hot; contraction-expansion; darkness-light; destruction-construction; evil-good; love-fear; night-day; nothing-everything; spirit-matter, etc.
When an object is perceived to be pleasant one is attracted to it. But if it is found unpleasant one is repelled from it. Thus arise attraction for and repulsion towards the objects that we come into contact with. Out of the feelings of attraction, repulsion or indifference, one develops
preferences and attachment for things in life. Born from the conditions of attraction, repulsion and error, attachment, aversion and delusion originate. Therefore, attachment, aversion and delusion are non-existent in their intrinsic being. The object of imagination is not existent. Without the object of imagination, how is imagination existent? Therefore, since they are originated from conditions, the object of imagination, and imagination itself, are empty.
Lao-tzu says, "The scholar learns something every day, the man of tao unlearns something every day, until he gets back to non-doing." Just simply, without comment, without an idea in your head, be aware. What else can you do? You don't try to be aware; you are. You will find, of course, that you can not stop the commentary going on inside your head, but at least you can regard it as interior noise. Listen to your chattering thoughts as you would listen to the singing of a kettle.
The actual underlying state of the universe is unknowable to us as long as we retain the world-view of the separateness of self. "..You can become one with the universe but you cannot step back and observe it, because you are in it. You cannot observe a phenomenon without altering it by your mode of perception. There is no such thing as an independent observer. You participate in creating the world by perceiving it..." This is proven in laboratory experiments concerning the behavior of subatomic particles. Physicists have discovered that their own mental force or observations upon subatomic particles influences those particles greatly, causing them to act in an erratic and unpredictable manner.
No world-view or belief framework may encompass the whole world. No world-view is universally valid. "Two models, or "laws" may conflict with each other and still be true in their proper context;" or on the other hand, they may be false. "Two people may experience the same event yet perceive entirely different occurrences." What is real to one may be unreal to another. Our nerve receptors or senses are limited in the scope of frequencies that they may receive. Our minds are restricted as to its faculties. Our interpretations of what we experience may be faulty. Our rationality is circumscribed by the intellect, the world out there is as it is. The world is not bound by the confines of our world-views.
What I am trying to point out is neiter of us is wrong nor right, there are as many truth as there are lives. ..
(A dialogue between Socrates and Protagoras)
Protagoras: Truth is relative. It is only a matter of opinion.
Socrates: You mean that truth is mere subjective opinion?
Protagoras: Exactly. What is true for you is true for you, and what is true for me, is true for me. Truth is subjective.
Socrates: Do you really mean that? That my opinion is true by virtue of its being my opinion?
Protagoras: Indeed I do.
Scorates: My opinion is: Truth is absolute, not opinion, and that you, Mr. Protagoras, are absolutely in error. Since this is my opinion, then you must grant that it is true according to your philosophy.
Protagoras: You are quite correct, Socrates.
So, I am suggesting - live and let live without any form of judgement..