Sunday, August 26, 2007

Wei Wu Wei

Of the many earnest, and how earnest, people we may observe reading, attending lectures, studying and practicing disciplines, devoting their energies to the attainment of a liberation which is by definition unattainable, how many are not striving via the ego-concept which is itself the only barrier between what they think they are and that which they wish to become but always have been and always will be?
- Why Lazurus Laughed by Wei Wu Wei...

Wednesday, August 15, 2007


For those who want to explore reality from a scientific perspective, I recommend the following Documentary Series:

2001 BBC documentary six-part series narrated by Sam Neill

"Star Stuff" - on the origin of the univers, stars and the solar system.

"Staying Alive" - the luck of planet Earth and how it could be destroyed at any moment by Black Holes, Comets and Asteroids.

"Black Holes" - the destructive force that may eventually destroy the Milky Way galaxy.

"Are We Alone?" - the possibilities of extraterrestrial life and human contact with it.

"New Worlds" - terraforming and humanity's colonisation of other planets.

"Boldly Go" - humanity's journey into far space.