I wonder, why do people always want to be right?
Am not exluding myself.
Why cant we be happy about not being right?
The more progress happens, the stronger our individual egos become, it seems. We think our opinions are the only ones, we are narrow minded regardless of you us perceiving ourselves as openminded. Bullshit! Excuse my French :)
Why is it so difficult to listen? Why do we shut down our attention when it comes to a discussion, which is opposite to our opinion?
Why do we cling so much??
Why cant everyone be right?
Bottomline, we all have different parents, different cultures, different beliefs, different traditions, different languages, different EXPERIENCES.. Does that mean one is better than the other? Doese that mean one is right and one is wrong?
When we cut our finger, blood comes out. There we go, that makes us equal. We will all die. Thats an ultimate truth, huh? We all laugh, we all cry, we all grief.. hmmm you too?? We all eat, we all .. well you know..
So what is it that makes us sooo different?
Because once upon a time, someone draw a line in the country.. '..Now my people This is X and Y is your enemy..' Its actually funny thinking about that.. :) Seperate Territorium. Land is land. Right? So, then why are we radicals, fashists, patriots, proud to be this and that.. :) Sweety, proud of what?? You came to be through the same way as I did. Lets be friends, shall we? We have ATOM BOMBS? Who is going to push the button? Its a sad Joke!
Oohh you are jewish and you are muslims? Well thats different? Why is that different?
We are living in the 21st century. We have science and mathematics.. We have opportunities. At least some of us.. Shouldnt we be role models.. Why choose differentness?
I choose sameness, and I excuse myself and us, in the only thing that makes us different. And that is Experience, which makes the mind perceive things in diffent ways. So I excuse us when we are harsh, self centered, griedy, fundamentalistic, etc etc.. Its ok than you have seen differently, and you are right from your point of you. And I am right, from my point of you.
Its ok. Understanding will lead us further. Understanding eachother, and offering a helping hand will lead us further. In loosining up, in not taking ourselves so seriously will lead us further.
It will lead us further in a good way.
I hope.