Saturday, July 08, 2006

The Theory of Everything ??

I do not understand a lot about science, but i know that new science and mystism seem to agree on many many points..

Scientist says:
For hundreds of years, scientist have thought that the simplest objects in the universe are points, like dots. String theory says that this is wrong and that the simplest objects in the universe are shaped like pieces of string. These strings are so small that even when looked at very closely they look like points. Each basic particle is created by the strings vibrating in different patterns.The basic idea behind all string theories is that the fundamental constituents of reality are strings of energy - Motion, vibrations consequently melody our creators melody..

The Sufi say:
All the mystics and prophets and great thinkers of the world, when expressing the history of creation, have in all periods of history given the first place to sound. The scientist of today says the same thing. He calls it radiance, atom, electron, and after going through all the different atoms of substance he arrives at a substance that he calls movement. Movement is vibration. Hmmm.. makes one think..

BBC World Music Award winner 2006 is a Sufi called Sain Zahoor from Pakistan :) You may want to listen to his tune - I found it beautiful.

Everyone loves music, people are emotionally attached to music, some may even cry when listening to a particular tune how is it that music can move or mind, body and soul.. sound does effect us there is no doubt about that.. The healing with sound is practiced in major universities and hospitals all over the globe. Do we agree?

Mevlana.. the whirling dervishes say:
From a scientific viewpoint we witness that contemporary science definitely confirms that the fundamental condition of our existence is to revolve. There is no object, no being which does not revolve and the shared similarity among beings is the revolution of the electrons, protons and neutrons in the atoms, which constitute the structure of each of them. As a consequence of this similarity, everything revolves and man carries on his live, his very existence by means of the revolution in the atoms, structural stones of his body, by the revolution of his blood, by his coming from the earth and return to it, by his revolving with earth itself.

"Come, come again, whoever you are, come!Heathen,
fire worshipper or idolatrous, come!
Come even if you broke your penitence a hundred times,
Ours is the portal of hope, come as you are."

ohhh how true..

- mehtap

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