Saturday, June 02, 2007

Like attracts Like..

.. Its been a long time..

Like to share an article with you.. Easy reading..

You're a Magnet
By Stephen Pierce

When trying to understand the Law of Attraction, it's easiest to think of yourself as a magnet.

As you already know, magnets attract things. But they do it without even trying, right? It's the same for you. You attract things all the time and most of the time, you do it by default. Most of the time, you are not making a deliberate choice in what you are attracting to you. You get up, go to work, take care of the kids, feed the dog, go to bed - you go about your daily business. Maybe while you do it, you are focused on a problem that needs solved or a bad thing that happened or you are just tired or in a foul mood.

So, while you're doing that - focusing on something negative - you're unconsciously attracting negativity to you. No one sets out to attract negativity, of course, but we attract the likeness of what we are thinking about. If you're thinking about a lack of something in your life, for example, you'll continue to attract a lack, just like that magnet attracts metal.

If you consciously make a shift in your thinking, however, to something positive - like seeing yourself with abundance instead of scarcity, you will attract abundance.

The key to successfully doing this sounds a little easier than it is, but with practice, you can do it constantly and effectively. Though life will always through hardships in our way, the key to not letting those hardships stay around and keep you down is to not dwell on them constantly. When one arises, examine it briefly and then figure out how to use it to your advantage or let it go.

People tend to have habits of clinging to the bad things in life, the negative, the things we do not like - we dwell on them in our thoughts, we talk about them to our friends, we focus on what we do not like, because it bothers us.

However, by training ourselves to not cling to that negativity - to let it come up, look at it for a minute and then let it go - we are opening ourselves up and making room for the positive.

Instead of a lack, we will be open to abundance.
We won't be a magnet that is repelling all the good things in life simply because we're in the habit of hanging on to the bad.

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