This unquestionably - as read by me was so stated by the Lord, was so stated by the Arahat:
"For the noble friend, who by will, who fully aware, who delibereately brin infinite, boundless and endless friendliness into being, this mountain like limitless Goodwill makes any substrate evaporate, the chains of mind, the mental fetter wears thin, slender and slack. If one without ill will cares for even one single living being, such one through that becomes quite skilled and clever, so far more the case for the Noble Friend, who by possessing a caring heart for all sentient beings without any even single exception, accumulates massive - yeah! - monumental amounts of merit!
Those Kings, gurus and priests who sacrifies life, objects of fire, who baths ceremoniously, devoted to mere forms and empty ritual, blindly attached to and obsessed by culture, tradition of ancient and unknown habit, do not ever experience even a sixteenth of the Release of Mind by Friendliness fully brought into being, just like the vagueness of even all the stars together, cannot neither ever outshine the moon. Since there cannot be any animosity whatsoever, nor enmity at all, neither any even atomic trace of hostility in a Nobly Released One, who by caring indicriminatelty and infinitely for all living beings, who by possessing such treasure of a Mind Relased into Firendliness, simply cannot never ever suppress, harm, repress nor kill any being, and cannot niether never ever cause antother to suppress, harm, repres or kill any breathing being.'
Source from the Pali Tiptaka, which are the 56 volume ancient sacred scriptues of the Buddhist, recited and compiled 483 BC, approximately 4 months after Buddhas death.
Even minor Goodwill breaks major barriers, ever spreading like sweet rings in water!
What then to say about infinite Goodwill! Such forceful tidal wave of pure loving-care cannot ever be restrained nor surpassed.
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